what is the difference between lavender and heather plants

The differences between sage and lavender are not as great as they appear. When it comes to lavenders signature purple color, there are a few options, including African violets and periwinkles. The size of the plants is another difference. SECOND - Grab a handful of flower stems right under where the purple flowers begin to form. LAVENDER Someday Ill have a big row of it grown from seed! It has narrow leaves (hence the name) and flowers appear as single inflorescences at the end of each stem. a small aromatic evergreen shrub of the mint family, with narrow leaves and bluish-purple flowers, used in perfumery and medicine. Although most varieties of lavender can be used in cooking, some varieties are more widely used, such as Lavandula angustifolia, particularly 'Munstead' (USDA zones 5 through 8). Lavender is a plant to look at, smell and love. What are they used for? A flowering rosmary plant. Everything from which plant part is used to create the oil to different conditions of where it is grown can affect the chemical constituents and even the aroma of an oil, making it a different chemotype. Lavender heather can vary in shades of purple. There are at least 800 accepted varieties of the heather flower, and they are spread across the globe. Although fringed lavender has a weak scent and flowers that are not particularly showy (still beautiful, with purple ears on top), it is much appreciated for the plastic and decorative ribbing (or teeth) of its silver green leaves. This plant also grows up to 10 inches tall. Ive set a goal to master germinating and raising different lavenders from seed. The plant loves sunlight. When different fibers are combined into one yarn, Heather produces a muted, soft color. It will also grow to a maximum height of 6 inches. They grow from about 4-20 inches tall, and they come in many unique varieties that's slight differences in their genetic make-up. Lavender In The Garden, Zone 8 Lavender Plants: Is Lavender Hardy To Zone 8, Spanish Lavender Plants - How To Grow Spanish Lavender In The Garden, Tips For Repotting Bird Of Paradise Plants, Tips For Repotting Fiddle Leaf Fig Plants, What Is A Tipu Tree: How To Grow A Tipuana Tree, Pruning Fuchsia Plants Learn How And When To Prune Fuchsias, Zone 9 Tropical Plants: Tips On Growing Tropical Gardens In Zone 9, Zone 9 Full Sun Plants: Growing Plants And Shrubs For Zone 9 Sun Gardens, Home & Garden Marketplace: Advertiser Info. The flowering of the silver Knight starts from mid-summer to late summer, and the most common flower colors are pinks, whites, and purples. 2023 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. The other distinctive difference is the aroma of the two plants. The inflorescences are in the shape of spikes, when closed, they look almost like ears of wheat. With typically purple flowers in regular spikes, the inflorescence of Portuguese lavender is very elegant if not showy individually. Missouri Botanical Garden: Lavandula Angustifolia, Monrovia: Lavandula Angustifolia 'Thumbelina Leigh', Missouri Botanical Garden: Lavandula Angustifolia 'Munstead', How to clean a showerhead, according to an expert, Where & How to Plant Lavender as a Ground Cover. Hardiness: 'Musntead' English lavender is hardy to USDA zones 5 to 9. Lavender (Lavandula) and heather (Calluna) are two of the easiest plants to grow, depending on your location and climate zone. Lavender is well known for its fragrant scent, foliage that is gray-green, upright flower spikes, and compact form. If you're seeking a lavender addition to your garden that is subtle with an impact, English lavender might be best for you. It has beautiful flowers which are a variety color mix of white, purple, pink and are well populated on the shrubs. One of the longest blooming heath plants available, Springwood Pink blooms from December until May with fantastic pink flowers, and can reach a slightly taller height of 10 inches. From December until May, Golden Starlet produces striking white flowers, and the plant itself gets to a maximum of 6 inches tall. There arent many trees that are as pretty as this. Grow it in your garden, in pots, or on your terrace and you too can have that Mediterranean sunny peace typical of Provence that only lavender can create. After frost, some of these flowers are bound to show some mild color change. Heather plants are designed to spread with ease across harsh conditions, and each tiny flower can produce up to 30 seeds, which gives you some idea as to how you can get carpets of them! Regal Splendour French Lavender (Lavandula stoechas Regal Splendour), 13. Please correct me if I make the error. It just goes to show that you can add color to your garden year-round. Soil PH should also be acidic and neutral. On the other hand, fringed lavender, or Lavandula dentata: Of all the varieties of French lavender, Anouk is (one of) the most showy, as it has very large ears at the top of inflorescences that really make it stand out. The Dark Beauty grows outstandingly well in sandy, moist, acidic, gravel-like, and well-drained soil. Many people confuse heath for Heather and vice versa. Regal Splendour French Lavender (Lavandula stoechas Regal Splendour), 13. Ideally, set up a completely new growing area for the lavender plants. And thats maybe why the Royal Horticultural Society gave it the Award of garden Merit in 2012. Species like the Erica carnea would flourish during winter because they are better adaptable to the cold winter air. They will grow to be about 2-4 feet tall, while lavender plants will only grow to be about 2-3 feet. Ficus Tree Dropping Leaves Causes and Fixes, 22 Flower Beds To Make Your Neighbors Jealous, 18 Flowers That Look Like Birds (Names And Photos), Philodendron Thai Sunrise Vs Golden Goddess, Bermuda Grass Vs Fescue (Key Differences), How to Get Rid of Magpies (6 SIMPLE Steps), 2. Both are grown around the world for their displays of color, and need fairly similar conditions in order to thrive. They bloom in the coldest months of December until March, and the plant itself grows up to 10 inches tall. Here are some of the popular types everybody loves: The Erica cinerea is a large but compact shrub. It can be a light color or a darker color. On arrival, unpack them straight away and stand them in water until the compost is moist. Im hooked now? While pets can be attracted to these blooms, you should know that this plant is poisonous to pets, so it might not be a good option if you have a lot of furry visitors in your garden. As long as you get the conditions right they need well-draining soil, which is preferably acidic, they will thrive in many places. Another variety of French lavender to express your originality, either in pots on your terrace and patio or in strongly aromatic flower beds or borders. This heather needs acidic soil in order to thrive. It can bloom several times during the year, which is notably much more often than some varieties on this list. If you are allergic, find a suitable bee control method to protect yourself. Explore More. One key difference between English Lavender essential oil and oil produced from Lavandin, is that Lavandin oil contains a much higher percentage of camphor. However, Heather plants come in many variants, types, and looks. Lavandula xintermedia 'Grosso' is the variety most commonly used to produce lavender essential oils, soaps, and lotions. Propagation and Pruning Heath and heather are propagated by seed and cuttings. It does not like very fertile soil; it prefers poor soil, light soil, which means not rich in organic matter. Each of these genera is further subdivided into different species, each with its distinct look and growth requirement. This is necessary for two reasons: What are the characteristics of Portuguese lavender? Heather is a low-growing shrub or bush that grows to be about 4 to 24 inches tall. Along with the other types of lavender, you have plenty of options to choose the right variety for your home or garden. Royal Velvet English Lavender (Lavandula Angustifolia Royal Velvet), 9. pedunculata), 16. Lavender are popular, aromatic, drought-tolerant garden plants. Debra J. Rigas, a professional writing coach, has been a writer and editor since 1975. The flowers appear from February until April, and bloom a pale pink. Were programmed to react to color emotionally, and the sight of flowers and sheer seas of color sprawling up hillsides, moors, and cliff faces will lift even the darkest of moods. The garden, designed by the wife of a retired English professor, was created at St Marys University in collaboration with the university. Can lavender cause itching? Lavandula x intermedia (which is also known by the name Lavandula hybrida) is the variety of lavender commonly called "lavandin." Lavandin is a naturally occurring hybrid between two lavender species: Lavandula angustifolia (see above) and Lavandula latifolia (a.k.a "Spike Lavender" - a pungent-smelling lavender native to Mediterranean Europe). The other species of French lavender (L. dentata) has pale - green, tooth- edged leaves. Non-hybrid seeds are also called open pollinated seeds or heirloom seeds. Both plant types are a good addition to your garden due to their ability to change color all year round. Irish Heather develops oval, dark green leaves with long spikes. Keep reading to discover all you need to know about heath and heather plants. After moving to Washington, to be with grandchildren and great grandchildren I have been trying to grow lavender. They need full sun, and its a rarer heather plant in that it needs warmer conditions in order to thrive. So based on that, Heather does look somewhat like Lavender. We aim to provide a brilliant resource for new and experienced gardeners and our plant and flower dictionary offers invaluable information on how to care for specific plant types and to get the best out of them. Theres a type for nearly every space you can imagine, and quite a few varieties flower at different times of the year. This is a much taller heather at 14 inches high, and will tolerate very dry weather. Cecelia M. Beale needs acidic soil in order to get the best out of the plant, and they make perfect low-growing border hedges at 6 inches tall. Rick is so hard-boiled that any touch of lavender is wiped away; used in reference to refinement or gentility. Portuguese Lavender (Lavandula latifolia), 17. Orient grows to a maximum of 6 inches tall. This is a type of lavender that is more suited for warm to hot climates, which makes it ideal for hardiness zones eight and nine. Erica: Also called winter heather, it has fluffy foliage that changes color from winter to summer. Be the first to join our brand NEW PLANTS & FLOWERS DISCUSSION GROUP on Facebook. Youll often hear them referred to as the winter heather. In preference, this variant of Heather prefers well-drained and moist soil. The scent is very strong, but camphor like, so, much less refined and sophisticated than English lavender. However, what makes Royal Velvet stand out is its long lasting deep and dark navy blue to dark violet flowers, which also have a velvety texture. Its another smaller heather, which only grows to a maximum of 6 inches high, and the only real requirement this plant has is freely-draining soil. The other distinctive feature is the colour of the foliage, most lavenders feature grey to grey-green leaves whereas Rosemary has a narrow bright green leaf. The plant grows as a dwarf shrub, and is mainly used as ground cover, or very low-growing hedging to add structure to garden borders. The firefly flower plants can grow up to 20 inches in length. Jennifer Anne requires acidic soil that drains freely. When kept outdoors, lavenders thrive in full sunlight and should be grown in well-drained soil these plants do not do well in areas that are particularly wet or dry. I come from a family of farmers. French and English are just two of many varieties of this popular plant. You may also notice a slight taste of mint, also defined as smokey, and for some even reminds apples. Obviously this has an effect on the individual fragrances of . Lavender has a blue tint. If you fancy growing some heather of your own whichever type you like the sound of more youll need to plant them in spring. Cultivars of the Lavandula angustifolia species include dwarf forms, such as 'Thumbelina Leigh,' (USDA zones 5 through 9), as well as the pink- and blue-flowered 'Jean Davis' (USDA zones 5 through 11) and 'Grey Lady' (USDA zones 5 through 9) cultivars, respectively. Any of a group of European plants, genus, Lavandula, of the mint family. Wash the buds well, then dry-roast them to remove some of the floral taste or grind them in a coffee grinder to improve the texture. There are three main subtypes of the heather plant: Calluna vulgaris, Erica, and Daboecia. Know the differences between these popular types to choose the best one for your conditions and needs. Russian sage was named one of the University of Arkansas Extensions Plants of the Week in 2000. If you want a dense, rich and luxurious effect in your garden, have a look at Phenomenal lavandin, which, on top of most fragrant lavender plant, will give you a deep vibrant violet purple hue and a thick shrub with many flower spikes. It starts blooming in August, and depending on the weather, these blooms can last all the way through winter. With long white ears on top of spikes with regularly spaced, deep purple flowers with a bright yellow center, Pretty Polly has also won the Award of Garden Merit of the Royal Horticultural Society, and you can surely see the value of this very aromatic prize winner both in containers or in your borders or flower beds, A lesser known species, not belonging to the classical Lavandula stoechas, it has something in common with French lavender, because it too has ears, or bracts, but. Hi Amber, (botany) Various species of the genus Erica. The heath only refers to species within the genus Erica, while Heather refers to species within the genus heather. She is the author of the nonfiction book "Everyone's A Guru" and has edited novels ("The Woman Pope") and worked in arts and sciences as a filmmaker, boat captain, landscaper, counselor, theater administrator and licensed midwife. When growing lavender, the most important thing you can do is ensure that your plants receive adequate drainage. One of the most captivating flowering heath plants, Snow Princess blooms from December until May with pure white flowers, and these can make a great compliment to snow on the ground during these months. Heather is a low-growing evergreen shrub with bell-shaped flowers that bloom in late summer and fall. What is the difference between heath and Heather? Not as fragrant as other lavenders but the spikes are very colorful and the foliage particularly attractive. The difference between French and English lavender is that English lavender is cold hardy and lives much longer (up to 15 . She holds a masters degree in horticulture from the University of California as well as a BS in Biology from the University of San Francisco. It usually only blooms once a year from January until April, and grows to a maximum height of 7 inches. You could always let it bloom and then give it a trim. Rosemary is a plant that can be used as a natural flavoring, as a natural preservative, and as a natural remedy for a variety of ailments. It blooms around mid-summer, late summer, early fall, and mid-fall. 3. The only difference is that English lavender leaves are covered in a silvery-white sheen (white dust - like wax) whereas L. stoechas has deeper green leaves with a less white coating. The Erica genus has around 500 species recognized under its name, and the Calluna genus has significantly less. The plant is easy to care for without complex watering or nutrient needs. This heather needs full sunlight in order to get the best out of it, where it will get to a maximum of 15 inches tall. However, if we go off of general descriptions, Heather typically has a purplish or bluish hue to it while Lavender is more of a light purple color. When shes not on the land, Amber loves informing people of new ideas/things related to gardening, especially organic gardening, houseplants, and growing plants in a small space. French Lavender. Katherine Barrington has written on a variety of topics, from arts and crafts to pets, health and do-it-yourself projects. The Erica type can be found in parts of Africa, Russia, and Europe. She has a Bachelor of Arts in English with a creative writing concentration from Marietta College. Both plants have culinary and medicinal applications. French Lavender With Love (Lavandula stoechas With Love), 12. Carnea Aurea is a lovely heath that produces golden yellow leaves, and blooms in January until April with pale pink flowers. On the outskirts of Nova Scotia, Canada, there is a garden filled with lavender and Heather. Erica tetralix Pink Star produces lovely pink flowers from May, all the way through to October, providing your garden with a plethora of color throughout the year. For example, English lavender is slightly more compact than other species and rarely exceeds 30 inches in height. Of course, having heard the name of Gertrude Jekill you will think that this lavender variety is excellent for borders, and it is, but it will also suit rock gardens and herb gardens, which it will enrich with its relaxing aroma. Lavender. Spring is a good time to do any pruning of heath before the plant sets its flower buds or has new growth. Like 'Hidcote,' 'Munstead' is known for its strong fragrance. Pink English Lavender (Lavandula Angustifolia 'Rosea') But as they are slow-growing plants, you can easily keep on top of this. The pink stars are not just another random selection of Heather; they have a bell shape subtle and pink-colored flowers that bloom in late spring or early fall. This plant can get up to 20 inches tall, and requires full sun in either acidic or neutral soil. This plant will grow to be up to two feet in height, and the sweet-smelling purple blooms that can be seen slightly resemble rabbit ears. Lavender heather is a symbol of loneliness in addition to being a symbol of isolation. But for summer, your best bet would be lime-free acidic soil. The Erica Tetralix can grow up to a 0.5-meter height within 5-10 years. It produces white and pink blooms in abundance, creating a sea of color. Like the Russian Sage, the lavender should be watered regularly in the first season as the root system is yet to fully develop. Heaths are usually smaller and less colorful than heathers. Bell Heathers grow best adapted to the sun and well-drained. Whatever type of heather plant you choose, it will add a wealth of color to your garden. Uncovering The Mystery: Does Downy Wrinkle Releaser Have Lavender In It? A medium to top note, Lavender Essential Oil (South Africa) exudes a rich, crisp aroma with light floral undertones and just a tinge of camphor. The flowers are a nice contrasting pink. As with any fertilizer it should be watered in. It can turn whole fields into oases of peace and beauty; it is the all time favorite of pollinators, and this alone makes her special among plants, It creates seas of beauty and color and, well placed in your garden, it can turn it into a hazy but glittering dream, Maybe it is thanks to its intoxicating scent, maybe that galaxy of purple flowers, with lavender, really, the divide between waking and sleeping becomes blurred, and with her, we all slip off into a fantastic, light and peaceful world of dreams. To give you an idea we created a visual guide including the top 20 most popular types of lavender plants to help you to choose the best variety for your conditions and needs. Lavender (Lavandula) and heather (Calluna) are two of the easiest plants to grow, depending on your location and climate zone. Heathers plants are great picks for almost any ornamental garden. The flower heads are quite big, 3 inches long (8 cm), and of a deep violet purple shade, and they loom stunning even when they are in bud. Of all the types of lavender, Lavandula stoechas has the most showy flowers. In most cases, this happens between mid-September to early November. They have the classical lavender look, without longer petals at the top. Lavender companions are excellent for growing in a full sun and a dry, low-salt soil. I have a Nebraska background and found your information very useful. Firefly heather also makes a great cut flower option. A big difference between French and English lavender is that the latter is much hardier. The plant develops and grows sterile seeds. Pretty Polly French lavender (Lavandula stoechas Pretty Polly), 14. While lavandin has a strong and intense smell, lavender has a sweet, floral, and subtle smell. It has a slow growth and leaves that are evergreen. The leaves start off green in spring, tipped with yellows, pinks, or dark reds. Mostly, these lovely plants will take care of themselves. These are hybrids of L. angustifolia and L. latifolia. Lavender noun a pale purple colour, like that of the lavender flower. Theres no definitive answer to this question since everyone has different opinions on what Heather and Lavender look like. This heath flower also has heliotrope flowers, which are pinkish purple, and only flower until May. Heather is a member of the Ericaceae family and the scientific name for heather is Calluna vulgaris. You may want a site where you can see the flowers often, or where the flower color will not clash or be upstaged by flowers of other plants. It produces bright pink and white blooms, and gets to a maximum of 25 inches tall. For most heather, they require acidic soil and will be extremely difficult to grow in other types, although some winter heather need neutral or even alkaline soil. Do this until you have removed all plant parts, including runners. How about heath flowers? Pink English Lavender (Lavandula Angustifolia Rosea), 5. What time of the year does heather flowers. This species is a low-growing ornamental, typically reaching only about a foot in height. To keep the two scents distinct; in fact, the fragrance of Portuguese lavender, which is very strong but less valuable than that of English lavender. As they can flower through some of the harshest conditions, these plants make perfect additions to provide color through what some gardeners call the gloomiest months of the year. a scented oil distilled from lavender flowers. Excellent for all types of informal gardens (including city, courtyard and gravel gardens), Hidcote lavender will also look and smell great in pots and containers. Water the lavender in well. Elegance and class are the words that spring to mind when you see French lavender With Love, a beautiful variety with unusually green foliage, then plump and short spikes of a cerise-purple color and ears of the most delicate pink, almost white, with bright magenta veins in them. This heather has the added benefit of changing foliage color depending on the season, while other types remain the same color. Moreover, lavandin essential oil and other products are less expensive . 'Pastor's Pride' English Lavender. Botanical name: Lavandula. Its difficult to describe how lovely lavender and heather are when combined. Flowers: Veronica and Salvia are similar in color, dark purple to rose pink to white dense blooms. This heath plant features grayish green leaves, which contrast perfectly with the light pink flowers with dark tips, produced during the winter months. Thumbelina Leigh is a variety of English lavender with a particular gardening and visual value because the inflorescences are short and thick, made up of fewer flowers than other lavender types. Jana features dark pink blooms which grow tightly together in clusters, and produce a wealth of color. Heather noun (botany) The Ericaceae family. At the end of the day, choosing the right lavender depends entirely upon your preference. The plant itself reaches a maximum height of 10 inches tall. Pretty Polly French lavender (Lavandula stoechas Pretty Polly), 14. tall (30 cm) and 18 in. Some snappy facts about Lavender and Lilac: Lilac flowers grow in large panicles, and lavender grows in a curlicue. The front door has a white front, and there are chimneys, windows, and even clusters of white lilies on either side. Difference between lavender and sage. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Start Selling Lavender Wholesale In Australia: A Guide To Growing Marketing And Profiting, Exploring The Use Of Lavender Mothballs To Deter Cats: A Look At The Risks And Effectiveness. Plants cannot grow for the seed. English lavenders ( Lavandula angustifolia) and French lavenders ( Lavandula stoechas) are two species of the same plant. , windows, and grows to be with grandchildren and great grandchildren I have been trying to grow.!, acidic, gravel-like, and blooms in January until April, and in. Has around 500 species recognized under its name, and need fairly similar conditions order. Look somewhat like lavender of this popular plant height within 5-10 years how lovely lavender and heather family! Or dark reds debra J. Rigas, a professional writing coach, been... The way through winter features dark pink blooms which grow tightly together in clusters, gets. 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what is the difference between lavender and heather plants