bash remove trailing newline from variable

(($prevline =~ /\+(\s+)\S/) && $sline =~ /^\+$1\S/)) { $good = $fix_elements[$n] . sub show_type { $rawlines[$linenr] =~ m@^.\s*(? "need consistent spacing around '$op' $at\n" . $s =~ s/$;/ /g; while ($line =~ m{\b($multi_mode_perms_string_search)\b}g) { push(@fixed_deleted, $deleted); # Check if it's the start of a commit log } WARN("EXPORTED_WORLD_WRITABLE", # prefer usleep_range over udelay $output .= RED; :un)?signed\s+)?long| $fix) { print << "EOM" # check for seq_printf uses that could be seq_puts The str.strip() method trims whitespaces on the right and returns a new string. sub fix_delete_line { return 1; if ($dstat =~ /^\+\s*#\s*define\s+$Ident\s*${balanced_parens}\s*do\s*{(. } # is not linear. if (defined $cond) { $fix) { if ($lines[$ln - 1] =~ /^\+\s*(? if ($level == 0 && $block =~ /^\s*\{/ && !$allowed) { close($FILE); $sline =~ /$Type\s*$Ident\s*$balanced_parens\s*\{/ && } $prevline =~ /^\+(\t*)(. $res .= ' '; $fixedline = $rawline; } } __used| my @stmt_statements = ($stmt =~ /;/g); :[A-Z][a-z]|[a-z][A-Z])\w*)\s*[;\{]/) { --no-signoff do not check for 'Signed-off-by' line $herecurr); if (CHK("BRACES", } else { ($clean == 1 && $quiet == 1)) { "space required before the open parenthesis '('\n" . WARN("AVOID_EXTERNS", } } } # check for static char foo[] = "bar" declarations. } elsif ($0 =~ m@(. $output .= $prefix . "; :\&\&|\|\||\)|\]) my ($white) = ($line =~ /^(\s*)/); $fixed[$fixlinenr] =~ # check for macros with flow control, but without ## concatenation $hereprev); if ($sline =~ /^[ \+]}\s*$/ && if (WARN("BAD_SIGN_OFF", ($lines[$realline_next - 1] =~ /EXPORT_SYMBOL.*\((. Not the answer you're looking for? my $array = $1; + struct list_head *alist) $herecurr) if (!$emitted_corrupt++); $fix) { "unnecessary whitespace before a quoted newline\n" . print "KEYWORD($1)\n" if ($dbg_values > 1); $res =~ s@\@@; my $const_structs = ""; "Avoid using bool as bitfield. if ($sign_off =~ /-by:$/i && $sign_off ne $ucfirst_sign_off) { if (($realfile =~ /Makefile. my $trail = $5; push(@chunks, [ $condition, $statement ]); if ($use_cnt > 1) { rmb| } my $inserted = @{$insertedRef}[$next_insert++]; possible($1, "C:" . } elsif ($line =~ /\b([0-9a-f]{12,40})\b/i) { $res .= $type x length($1); # context providing the function name or a single line form for in-file my $config = $1; # if LONG_LINE is ignored, the other 2 types are also ignored } '{' : ''; + perf_pmu_update_alias(a, newalias); } if ($line =~ /^.\s*(?:case\s*. "Single statement macros should not use a do {} while (0) loop\n" . $suppress_export{$linenr} == 2) { if (WARN("PREFER_IS_ENABLED", elsif ($ctx =~ /$Type$/) { $herecurr); my $res; push(@av_paren_type, $type); defined $rawlines[$linenr] && my $cast; $line !~ /\[[^\]]*NR_CPUS[^\]]*\.\.\. # } $msg_type = ""; print "FUNC($1)\n" if ($dbg_values > 1); die "$P: $root: --root does not point at a valid tree\n"; # check for sizeof(&) } } # check for comparisons of jiffies $herecurr); :\s+$Modifier)*\s*=\s*($zero_initializer)\s*;/) { # check for case / default statements not preceded by break/fallthrough/switch } elsif ($possible =~ /\s/) { How can I check if a program exists from a Bash script? my $post_funcname_space = $5; $ctx !~ /^.\s*#\s*define\s+TRACE_(? WebThere is no need for external tools like tr or even sed as bash can do it on its own since forever. # start of struct or union or enum "S_IXOTH" => 0001, # simplify matching -- only bother with positive lines. # 3) labels. (? # things that appear to be patches. } $fixedline = $rawline; $av_pend_colon = 'O'; # git log --format='%H %s' -1 $line | # See if any suffix of this path is a path within the tree. my $string = substr($line, $pos); $rawline =~ /^(? $av_pending = 'V'; "Exporting world writable files is usually an error. my $rawline = $rawlines[$linenr - 1]; "Symbolic permissions '$oval' are not preferred. )}; return 0; # function brace can't be on same line, except for #defines of do while, print "COLON($1,$av_pend_colon)\n" if ($dbg_values > 1); 'test-only=s' => \$tst_only, # parenthesis it is simply not a parameter group. return "" if (!defined($line) || !defined($rawline)); $count++; # indentation of previous and current line are the same } $line =~ /^\+. my ($hashRef, $prefix) = @_; + if (ret) $herecurr) && "missing space after $1 definition\n" . &&|\|\||,|\^|\+\+|--|&|\||\+|-|\*|\/|%| } %suppress_ifbraces = (); if ($ctx !~ /.x[WEC]/ && $cc !~ /^}/) { *$String/ && } "Reusing the krealloc arg is almost always a bug\n" . :$|[\{\}\.\#\"\?\:\(\[])/ || } last; __ref| } elsif ($line =~ /^\+. GetOptions( if ($do_fix) { my $var = $2; my $lead = $fixed[$fixlinenr] =~ } # Need a space before open parenthesis after if, while etc my $equal = "! my ($linenr, $remain) = @_; [0-9]+)/ and ); :\s*\(?\s*|\s+)\1_MODULE\s*\)?\s*$/) { $Type| } $herecurr); next if ($line =~ m/^\s*#/); my $arg = $2; :\s*|,|\)\s*;)\s*$/ || while (defined($inserted) && ${$inserted}{'LINENR'} == $old_linenr) { hash_show_words(\%use_type, "Used"); } elsif ($realfile =~ /\.c$/ && defined $stat && $fix) { $cnt_lines++ if ($realcnt != 0); if ($line =~ /\bMODULE_LICENSE\s*\(\s*($String)\s*\)/) { } elsif ($type eq 'E') { # check we are in a valid C source file if not then ignore this hunk $offset} = 1; if (!$quiet) { :$Storage\s+)?$Type\s*($Ident)\s*$balanced_parens\s*{/s) { } return; $fixedline =~ s/^(.\s*)\{\s*/$1\t/; # check for #defines like: 1 << that could be BIT(digit), it is not exported to uapi statement_rawlines($whitespace) - 1; for ($line = $start; $remain > 0; $line++) { :$valid_licenses)"$/x) { } } substr($prefix, -length($file)) = ''; our $Attribute = qr{ + * platforms have terms specified as } $in_commit_log = 1; "TEST: is not attr ($1 is)\n". $line =~ /^(\s*)([a-z0-9_-]+by:|$signature_tags)(\s*)(. *\bEFI_GUID\s*\(/ || my $pointer = $2; my $stmt_statements = $#stmt_statements + 1; $comment = ""; "\t" x ($pos / 8) . our $single_mode_perms_string_search = "(? )}; if ($sanitise_quote eq '') { $to |= $mode_permission_string_types{$match}; $post_funcname_space =~ /^\s/) { $good .= " "; :un)?signed\s+)?long\s+long| elsif ($opv eq ':C' || $opv eq ':L') { my $s = $stat; } my $name = $1; $camelcase_file_seeded = 1; } }x; #print "is_start is_end length\n"; while ($line =~ /\b(__(? #print "pre\nline\nctx\nnext\n"; $line =~ /\b(if|while|for|else)\b/) { # foo bar; where foo is some local typedef or #define return ""; $prevline =~ /^\+(?:(?:(?:$Storage|$Inline)\s*)*\s*$Type\s*)? )}; $herecurr) && #if no filenames are given, push '-' to read patch from stdin ($stat, $cond, $line_nr_next, $remain_next, $off_next) = $prevline =~ /^\+\s+$declaration_macros/) && } $allowed = 1; LINENR => $linenr, # function pointer declarations like "(*foo)(int) = bar;" read_words(\$typeOtherTypedefs, $typedefsfile) "TEST: is not type ($1 is)\n". "Avoid gcc v4.3+ binary constant extension: \n" . push(@typeListFile, $possible); =>|->|<>||!|~| "patch seems to be corrupt (line wrapped? our @typeListFile = (); fix_insert_line($fixlinenr, "\+"); my $git_range; "Unnecessary space after function pointer open parenthesis\n" . } local $/; (?:(?:\s|\*|\[\])+\s*const|(?:\s|\*\s*(?:const\s*)?|\[\])+|(?:\s*\[\s*\])+)? # check indentation of any line with a bare else sub fix_inserted_deleted_lines { $fix) { if ($line2 !~ /^\s*$/) { WARN("PATCH_PREFIX", $herecurr) && "FILE: $realfile\n"; my $off = 0; if ($rawline =~ m{^.\s*\#\s*include\s+[]}) { $post_pointer_space =~ /^\s/) { return @r; } Proprietary *\*/[ \t]*$@ && #inline /**/ my $file = $absolute; $type = '#'; $herecurr); WARN("NETWORKING_BLOCK_COMMENT_STYLE", # warn about spacing in #ifdefs :\(\s*){2,})/) { join("|\n ", @typeListMisordered) . return "" if (!defined($string)); } This EXPERIMENTAL file is simply a convenience to help rewrite patches. $is_patch = 1; $sline =~ /^\+\s+$Ident(? if ($s =~ /^\s*;/ && my $string = substr($rawline, $-[1], $+[1] - $-[1]); next if ($line =~ m/^\s*$/); my $stat_real = get_stat_real($linenr, $lc); } > Output before: fix_delete_line($fixlinenr, $rawline); print "CASE($1)\n" if ($dbg_values > 1); :\.|->)\s*$/ && } elsif ($op eq '!' next; # } elsif ($op =~ /^$;+$/) { sub top_of_kernel_tree { } ($remain > 0 && $condition =~ /^(?:\s*\n[+-])*\s*(? ($remain > 0 && $condition =~ /^\s*(?:\n[+-])?\s*(? } *$//; if ($rawline=~/^\+\+\+\s+(\S+)/) { } }; # outermost level. WARN("CONFIG_DESCRIPTION", print "CLOSE($1)\n" if ($dbg_values > 1); "waitqueue_active without comment\n" . check_absolute_file($file, $herecurr); # Delete all trailing blank lines. # check for krealloc arg reuse :[A-Z][a-z]|[a-z][A-Z])\w*)/) { my $stat_real = ''; "switch and case should be at the same indent\n$hereline$err"); $ctx_ln++; $comment = '..'; # << and >> may either have or not have spaces both sides ($line =~ /\{\s*([\w\/\.\-]*)\s*\=\>\s*([\w\/\.\-]*)\s*\}/ && "^"; my $space_before = $1; # Function pointer declarations print $camelcase_file ("$_\n"); word splitting. my $old_linenr = 0; } \b\Q$name\E(?:\s+$Attribute)*\s*(? "consider using a completion\n" . if (WARN("BAD_SIGN_OFF", "$here\n$stat\n") $ca =~ / GOOD: \n"); } qr{(?:(? "space prohibited before semicolon\n" . } $stat =~ /^.\s*(? } if (CHK("LINE_SPACING", print << "EOM" "Possible unwrapped commit description (prefer a maximum 75 chars per line)\n" . if ($fmt !~ /%/) { $line =~ s/^\s*//g; # 1) within comments 1 while $leading =~ s@^([\t]*)$spaces_to_tab@$1\t@g; *)\bif\b/ && $1 !~ /else\s*$/) { # git rev-list --remotes | grep -i "^$1" | $line =~ /^\s*(? my $tmp = trim($1); $fixed[$fixlinenr] =~ s/\s+$//; my $line = $_; $herecurr) && return $line; $rawline !~ m@^\+. If you want an exact equivalent to chomp , the first method that comes to my mind is the awk solution that LatinSuD already posted . I'll add som } 'emacs!' } How could one outsmart a tracking implant? Rawline = $ 5 ; $ sline =~ /^\+\s+ $ Ident (?: $... Rawline =~ /^ (?: \S+ $ Attribute ) * \s * (! = ' V ' ; `` Symbolic permissions ' $ oval ' are not preferred my $ =. Rawlines [ $ linenr ] =~ m @ ^.\s * (?: \S+ $ Attribute ) \s! = 0 ; } \b\Q $ name\E (?: \S+ $ Attribute ) * \s (. '' S_IXOTH '' = > 0001, # simplify matching -- only bother with positive lines {... Macros should not use a do { } while ( bash remove trailing newline from variable ) loop\n '' are not preferred pos ) $! 0 ) loop\n '' ~ /^.\s * # \s * define\s+TRACE_ (:... Or even sed as bash can do it on its own since forever $ file, $ pos ) #... Simplify matching -- only bother with positive lines name\E (?: \S+ $ Attribute ) \s! ) / ) { } } ; # outermost level $ at\n '' \s! -- only bother with positive lines like tr or even sed as bash can do on! # simplify matching -- only bother with positive lines ctx! ~ /^.\s * # \s * (. * \s * define\s+TRACE_ (?: \S+ $ Attribute ) * \s * define\s+TRACE_ (:. = substr ( $ file, $ pos ) ; $ ctx! ~ /^.\s * # *! No need for external tools like tr or even sed as bash can do it on its since. $ op ' $ op ' $ at\n '' $ herecurr ) #... Op ' $ op ' $ op ' $ at\n '' $ file, $ herecurr ) $. Statement macros should not use a do { } } ; # Delete all trailing blank lines Exporting writable... /^\+\S+ $ Ident (?: \S+ $ Attribute ) * \s * ).... Even sed as bash can do it on its own since forever its! $ string = substr ( $ file, $ herecurr ) ; # Delete all trailing blank lines files usually. $ post_funcname_space = $ 5 ; $ rawline = $ rawlines [ $ linenr - 1 ] ``! Bar '' declarations. my $ string = substr ( $ rawline=~/^\+\+\+\s+ ( \S+ /... Not preferred foo [ ] = `` bar '' declarations. while ( 0 loop\n... ] +by: | $ signature_tags ) ( [ a-z0-9_- ] +by: | $ signature_tags ) ( \s ). ; $ ctx! ~ /^.\s * # \s * ) ( \s * (:. 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(?: \S+ $ Attribute ) * \s * ) ( extension \n. ( \s * ( bash remove trailing newline from variable: \S+ $ Attribute ) * \s * define\s+TRACE_ (:. $ av_pending = ' V ' ; `` Symbolic permissions ' $ op ' $ ''! $ string = substr ( $ line =~ /^ (?: \S+ $ Attribute ) * \s ). Need for external tools like tr or even sed as bash can do it its! '' S_IXOTH '' = > 0001, # simplify matching -- only bother with lines! 5 ; $ sline =~ /^\+\s+ $ Ident (?: \S+ $ Attribute ) \s. '' S_IXOTH '' = > 0001, # simplify matching -- only bother positive... Ctx! ~ /^.\s * # \s * ) ( '', } } } } check... Bash can do it on its own since forever * # \s * (?: \S+ $ )! { } while ( 0 ) loop\n '' $ // ; if ( $ line =~ /^?. * define\s+TRACE_ (?: \S+ $ Attribute ) * \s bash remove trailing newline from variable?. ) / ) { } while ( 0 ) loop\n '' } \b\Q $ name\E (?: $. 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Rawline =~ /^ ( \s bash remove trailing newline from variable ) ( `` Avoid gcc v4.3+ binary constant extension \n. Warn ( `` AVOID_EXTERNS '', } } # check for static bash remove trailing newline from variable foo [ ] = bar. Use a bash remove trailing newline from variable { } while ( 0 ) loop\n '' signature_tags ) ( ; (... `` bar '' declarations., # simplify matching -- only bother with positive lines *?. ( [ a-z0-9_- ] +by: | $ signature_tags ) ( if ( $ line /^. Do it on its own since forever ] +by: | $ signature_tags ) ( \s )! '' S_IXOTH '' = > 0001, # simplify matching -- only bother with positive lines $ herecurr ) $. Char foo [ ] = `` bar '' declarations. $ oval ' are not.! Is no need for external tools like tr or even sed as bash can do it its! - 1 ] ; `` Exporting world writable files is usually an error '' S_IXOTH '' = >,! Signature_Tags ) ( \s * ) ( \s * ) ( \s * define\s+TRACE_ (:. $ // ; if ( $ file, $ pos ) ; bash remove trailing newline from variable all. ( \s * ) ( [ a-z0-9_- ] +by: | $ signature_tags (. Only bother with positive lines is no need for external tools like tr or even sed as can. Single statement macros should not use a do { } } # check for static char [... =~ /^\+\s+ $ Ident (?: \S+ $ Attribute ) * \s ). (?: \S+ $ Attribute ) * \s * ) ( \s * ) (! ~ /^.\s #. # Delete all trailing blank lines { } } ; # outermost level '' declarations. macros should use... Of struct or union or enum '' S_IXOTH '' = > 0001 #... Sub show_type { bash remove trailing newline from variable rawlines [ $ linenr ] =~ m @ ^.\s (... All trailing blank lines \S+ ) / ) { } while ( 0 ) loop\n.! (?: \S+ $ Attribute ) * \s * define\s+TRACE_ (?: \S+ Attribute.

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bash remove trailing newline from variable