name something you hope never crashes into your home

Name something your friends might grill your new boy or girlfriend on. Name a city that should never host the superbowl. Name a color you would expect to see when looking at a christmas present. Give me a word or phrase that means you lost your job. Name something you might see or do in australia. Name something you might give as a wedding gift. We asked 100 people: name something people are afraid of. Name something new york city claims to have the very best of. Name a gift dad might appreciate on father's day. Name something you would not want to happen on a first date. Name a place you can go without shoes and a shirt and still get service. Name a habit that you probably won't continue once you are a ghost. Tell me something you think of when you think of Ireland. Name something a child learns slowly how to do. Name a foreign accent people like to imitate. Name something you drink out of the bottle. Who would you call if you discovered the invisible man sleeping in your bed? Name something you would hate to get as a christmas gift. Name something that makes it dangerous to drive. You live to be 100. Tell me something you associate with Ancient Greece. Name someone you would not want showing up at your home unexpectedly. Name something you would hate to find under your bed. Name something you might find in a kid's room. Name something you wouldn't want your parents catching you doing. Name something dad might do if his family forgot father's day. Tell me something a person might do before bed that makes it hard for them to sleep. Name something jay-z might get beyonce for christmas. Name a gift you might give to your partner to apologize for something you did. Name something people hang up around christmas. Name something siblings might be forced to share. Name something you might bring on a romantic picnic. Published: Nov. 12, 2022 at 11:27 AM PST ZACHARY, La. Name a place you should avoid if you are on a diet. Name a part of your body you have more than three of. Name something you might find in a leprechaun's beard. Name something that too much of can be a bad thing. On average, how many hours of sleep do new parents get in a night? Name something you might complain about living next to the ghostbusters. Name something that usually winds up in the garbage after the holidays. Name an animal you might make a pinata of. Name someone a little kid might share their christmas list with. Name something or someone that has fangs. Police later located the vehicle, which had crashed into a residential home in the area of Victoria Street South and Strachan Street. Name something that might come to life in a scary story. Name something about a supervillain that might make it hard to take them seriously. Name a classic hollywood monster that is easy to dress up as for halloween. Name something you'd find in a teen's room that would never be a part of your living room decor. Name something that might chase a leprechaun. Name a meal that might make you look like a slob in front of your date. Name a sport that employs landscapers to keep the grass perfect. Name something you wouldn't want to see your nurse picking at. Name a children's story featuring a witch. #3: Close blinds (15)(Chris) Name a band from the 80's that is still popular today. What is something people might have trouble giving up for forty days? Name a situation where you might do a 180. Name a place where you would be embarrassed to run into your boss. How many hours per week does the average high schooler spend studying? Tell me something you might order in an Italian restaurant. Tell me something that you might see in the Arctic. Name an animal that is born with its eyes closed. Name a band from the 60's that is still popular today. This answer was found in the game Family Feud 2. Name the superhero or villain who really needs a good therapist. Name a way you might be able to tell a good witch and an evil witch apart. We asked 100 people: name your favorite muppet character. Name something you expect to see in paris. Name something people wish they had on a hot summer day. Name something found on picnic tables at cookouts. Tell me a situation where it is difficult to keep your cool. Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "Q". Name a baby animal that might be on an Easter card. Name something you buy your spouse for a wedding anniversary gift. Besides a parrot, name an animal that a pirate might have as a pet. Name something jet fighters might fly over on the 4th of july. Name something you could own that might have a superheros symbol on it. We asked 100 people: name a popular hot beverage. What might be a pirates favorite holiday? I hope one day you just get stranded . We've got the complete list of Family Feud Answers for Family Feud 1 and Family Feud 2. Name something a pirate might have wished on an enemy. Name a situation when you need to gather courage before taking action. Name something pirates might miss out on, because of their occupation. If a cheating husband wants to save his marriage, name a place he'll go to. Name a place parents leave notes for their kids before sending them to school. Name something you would expect to find in heaven. Name a sport that a very pregnant woman could still play. Name something a witch might be carrying. Tell me something that you associate with volleyball. We asked 100 people: name something you don't want to find in your soup. Tell me a game you might see people playing at the park. Name an actor or actress who is politically outspoken. Name something a child might not want to do on Easter. Name something about scary movies that makes them scary. Name a country that is known for surfing. Name something you spend too much money on. Tell me something you might do to avoid a bill collector. What might happen to a student who does not do their homework? Tell me something you might keep under your sink. Name something dentists put in your mouth. Name something valuable that can be found in space. Name something you would need if you were exploring a jungle. Name something you would see in a pirate themed gift shop. Name something that might go on sale after Easter. Give me a word that means the opposite of "athletic". Name something you wear around your neck. Tell me a bad habit that's difficult to break. Name a "his and hers" item that a couple might buy. Tell me the first thing you would buy if you won the lottery. Name a superhero or heroine whose costume is not appropriate for winter. Name something people buy in bulk for a 4th of july party. Name someone you would not want showing up at your home unexpectedly. Name an animal that can ruin a beautiful lawn. Housing exists because people want to live in a specific area. Name a snack you might have at the movies. Name something you associate with St. Patrick's Day. Name a reason a woman might pucker her lips. Tell me something you do not want to see in your food. Tell me something you might accidentally bump into. Name a reason why a parent might not let their kid go trick or treating. Name a machine that people use at the gym. Name someone or something that might destroy a sandcastle. Tell me something you would not like to encounter when sailing across the ocean. Name something you never forget how to do. Name something that comes in an aerosol can. Name a something a freshman might take to college with them. Name the most recognizable building or monument in washington d.c. Name a statistic that baseball fans keep track of. Name something that the american flag might be printed on. Name something you might find underneath your couch cushions. Which thanksgiving dish is the hardest to wash out of a toddlers clothes? #8: Stuerkes: Phone call (to lover)(#3- 12), makeup, crosswords, flossing Name something you might see on a secret pirate island. Name a word a dieter thinks about that starts with the letter 'S'. Name something commonly associated with Chinese New Year. Name something you might bring with you the day after the stay puft marshmallow man exploded. Name something you might do while visiting New York City. Name something that might set off a metal detector in an airport. Name an actor who makes big box office hits. Name an actor or actress who is known for having a big mouth. Name an activity that happens in parks during the summer. Give me a woman's name that starts with the letter "e". Name a specific place associated with skiing. #2: (Blow-up) doll (22)(Chris) How many days after halloween do you keep your pumpkin? Name someone you might want to talk to after a really good date. Name a product that might be marked down around the 4th of july. What is also torturous is trying to fall asleep, but not being able to turn your brain off. Name a country in Europe that Americans like to visit. Name something a kid might leave on the school bus. Name the power that parents wouldnt want their young children to have. Name something you would not want to stick your nose into. Name a reason a man might brag about his spouse. Name a hairstyle that used to be popular but is not anymore. Name something inappropriate for a wedding speech. Name something you look for in a potential spouse. Name a reason why summer lovin' might not last. Besides a hook, name something a pirate could put on their missing hand. Tell me something your partner spends money on that you think is frivolous. Name a decision people might have second thoughts about(5 answers), Jennifer GarnerSkating RinkJennifer AnistonJennifer Love HewittJennifer LopezJennifer Jones, BuilderFiremanFarmerButcherSanta Clause, CarSuper PowersElevatorClark KentAirplanes. Name something you might pack on an arctic expedition. Name a candy that can be eaten in a single bite. Name an item of clothing that people never wear in summer. Name something you should not wear on a date to a fancy restaurant. Name something about being a pirate that might get old fast. Name something you might take trick or treating with you. Name something people might do to pass time while traveling. Name something a thanksgiving turkey might need more of. What is the worst thing a person can lose while on vacation? Name a country where you may need to wear a jacket all year round. How many times a week does the average person call their mom? Name something you expect to see at buckingham palace. If you could only eat one thing from thanksgiving dinner for the rest of your life, what would it be? Name a city where people show off their bodies. Name something kids try to hide from their parents. Name a scent you would not want perfume to smell like. #6: Stuerkes: Woman, envelopes (#5- 9), lips (BA- 2), (school) bully, stamps (#3- 11) & popsicles (10)- SWEEP. Name a u.s. state that gets a lot of tourists. Name something a parent might tell their child not to put in their mouth. Name a type of weather advisory you may see in the summer. Name something a couple's in-laws might disagree on. Name a dish that takes a long time to prepare. Name a city in North America that you would hate to drive in. Name something that a superhero would tell you to stay away from. Name something a father and daughter might bond over. Tell me someone whose plastic surgeon you'd never go to. Besides treasure, name something pirates liked to steal. Where might a secret admirer leave a gift for their crush? Tell me something you try to fix yourself, rather than having a professional fix it for you. Give me the name of a famous female sex symbol. Give me a word that means the opposite of "dull". If vampires had a sweet tooth, name a specific candy they might chip a fang on. Name something you would expect to see at santa's village. Name a baseball player known for hitting home runs. Name something you associate with brazil. Name something people use to keep pests out of their gardens. Name a moving violation you might be ticketed for. Name something parents reward their kids with. Give me a word someone might associate with halloween. How might a parent reward their child for acing a test. Name a way superheroes might pass the time when they arent fighting crime. Name a july 4th activity that you should not do while drinking. Name something a couple might argue about around the holidays. Name something people tell themselves when they are scared. Name something kids ask their parents' permission to do. Name something you hope never crashes into your home. Name a bug people hate to find in their house. Name something mom might pack in a school lunch. Name something specific that might make a lot of noise at a new years party. Name a place you would not like to be when the phone rings. Name something you use to clean your teeth. Name something that might have a red heart on it. Name something an orchestra conductor needs to do his job. Name a bad job for someone who hates kids. Name the most popular ride at a carnival. Give me a woman's name that is 3 letters long. Name an activity that might be part of a leprechauns normal day. Name the most boring sport to watch on tv. Name something that is harder to do the older you get. Name an animated movie that always makes you cry. Name a place that should never host the Winter Olympics. Name something specific that you hear on a flight. Name something that bites people in horror movies. Name something specific given around the holidays that could be homemade. Tell me a place where you might hide Easter eggs. How many days would the average person's ideal vacation last? Name something that is a terrible thing to lose. Name something slimy that kids pick up off of the ground. Name something people bring inside before it starts to rain. Name something a little kid does when they are pretending to be their dad. "Family Feud" 10/16/14 | bobbymgskAfter a moment, your eyes fluttered closed as your lips kissed back. Name something you see signs for along the highway. Name a type of bird that is also a sports team mascot. Name something college freshmen do during their first week of school. Name something a dad might teach his kids to do. I personally recently went on medical leave after work got so bad that I had thoughts of having a car accident before going to work. Name a specific candy that does not melt. Name a gift that might be great for someone who loves the outdoors. Play Family Feud Live any way youd like. Name a sport mom might not think is safe for her kids. Other than the u.s., name a country where american soldiers are stationed. Name something firemen carry that regular people don't. Run that bitch, Dezz. Give me a reason for moving away from your home town. Tell me something a man with a big beer belly might have a hard time fitting into. Tell me something you would take with you if you were forced to evacuate your home. Besides rope, name something you might need to go rock climbing. Name a newborn animal that would still be too big for you to hold. Name a city that is known for bad traffic. Name a food that makes your whole kitchen smell. Name a fruit or vegetable you need to peel before you can eat it. Name an animal that looks ugly when it is born. Name something specific that people paint on their faces for halloween. Name a wild animal you would like as a pet. Name something you would NOT want to find under a Christmas tree. Name something most people only have one of. Name something that the first american settlers used to harvest in the fall. Can you reach the elusive Superstar level?Featuring: - 4 game modes: Classic, Fast Money, Tournaments and Live - Test your Feud skills and take your opponents coins - Over 2,500 Brand New Surveys - All-New Live Gameplay - Laugh with your opponent using our FREE In-Game Chat Family Feud Live! Name a profession that uses a calculator. Name something a house guest might need help finding. Name something you might get caught doing if you forgot you were in an invisible jet. Name something people associate with the beatles. Name something you normally find in a mall. Name an unpaid job that dad does for his kids. Name an animal old macdonald has on his farm. Name someone a bachelor might have to get christmas presents for. What is the first word a pirate's parrot might say? Name a famous movie with a number in the title. #4: Brush teeth (6)(Kenny) Name something specific a kid might do to earn their allowance. Name something you might accidentally leave on a bus. Give me a word that means the opposite of "normal". Master the questions and take all the coins for yourself!FAST MONEY ROUND Prefer playing Fast Money Rounds? Name something people do after opening their christmas gifts. Name something you might find at an airport. We asked 100 people: name a popular soda flavor. Name something a school might wish it could afford. Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "V". Name something about st. patrick's day that little kids get excited for. Name something that might make you nervous. The crash happened at around 9:45 . Name a character from the south park series. Name a game that might start a fight between pirates. If a juggler lost his balls, name something from his kitchen he might juggle instead. Name something a childless couple does more than a couple with kids. Name a flower beginning with the letter "d". Name something a lazy person might train their dog to fetch for them. Name something that might hit santa in the face while hes flying his sleigh. Name an errand it seems you are always doing. Fact or fiction, name someone connected with an apple. Name something you might find in an oasis. Name a reason you might give your waiter a good tip. Name an expensive product that historically explorers scoured the globe to get. Name a Disney villain people might dress up as for Halloween. Tell me something specific where you might use the motto "the bigger the better". Tell me something you do when meeting someone for the first time. We asked 100 people: name a popular mode of travel. Name someone or something that a leprechaun might hang out with. What might your cell phone say to you if it could talk? Name a place parents bring their children to learn new things. Tell me something you would NOT like to get as an anniversary gift from your spouse. Fill in the blank: all i need to have a merry christmas is _____.. Name an activity that makes people sweaty. Name a country people visit where they do not need to pack a jacket. Name a performer or group whose music spans generations. Tell me something you do when you're sick. #5: Give me a reason why friends might have a falling out. Tell me something you might want to make disappear. Besides the u.s., what countries send athletes to international sporting events? Name a reason scooby-doo might not make an ideal pet. Name a type of vendor you may see at a 4th of july parade. Who might the Easter Bunny sit next to if he went to a convention for famous animals? Name something you might do to refresh yourself. When someone says they are visiting the south, what state might they be going to? If you were a teacher, after a month of classes, how many glasses of wine did you drink? Name something expecting mothers get at their baby showers. Name a christmas gift that would be good for both a boy and a girl. Name a type of business that is dependent on good summer weather. Name something you might see on a trip to paris. Name a color you would expect to see in an Easter basket. Name something that always gets on your nerves. Name a sport that is not part of the Summer Olympics, but should be. Name something people might take bird watching. Name a spooky place friends might dare each other to go. Tell me something people keep in the attic. Name a way people might keep the dog from bothering them during Easter dinner. Name a superhero or villain with a lot of money. Name a us state everyone wants to live in. #5: Name something you wouldn't want to catch your parents doing. Name something a little kid might decorate with Easter stickers. Name a real-life situation where people might spontaneously break into song. Name a sport that someone in a three piece suit would still be able to play. Name something a school needs before it can open. With 4 game modes to choose from, theres a Feud-style for everyone! Name something kids write about in their journals. Name something most homes have multiples of. Name a place you might go when you need peace and quiet. Name something that might happen at a cemetery. Name a country that starts with the letter 'C'. Name something a kid does when they are pretending to be their mom. Besides the bald eagle, name an animal that could symbolize america. Name a reason you might have to leave work early. If you rolled in a field, what is something that might get on your clothes? Name something people try to kill by using poison. At what age would you let your kids go trick or treating unsupervised? We first introduced this Family Feud question on 2021-05-07 and updated it on 2021-05-07. Name something you associate with the southern US. Name something on your car that might break, but wouldn't stop you from driving it. Name a food you buy more than one of at a time(7 answers), 9. Name something you can do to get a traffic ticket. Name a gift your partner would not appreciate receiving. Name something you might do on father's day. Kim Steal #2: Litter- #4 (5)(#2: Slam on brakes- 12/Other BA: Flip the bird). Name something that makes a ticking sound. Name something you associate with washington d.c. Name something about getting older that you look forward to. Name a U.S. president who was known for his way with words. What does an actor change in order to play a character? Name a type of pie you might see at thanksgiving dinner. Name something you do to pass the time at work. Besides the us, name a country that produces a lot of movies. Name a recording artist whose name begins with the letter 'L'. Name someone who is famous for having a big mouth. Name a city that is often featured in spy movies. Name a reason parents might not want their kids playing in the rain. Name something you might see during an award show. Name something people do with their first paycheck. Name something an american would miss if they were spending the 4th of july in another country. Name something you might eat at a seafood restaurant. Name someone you always buy a christmas present for. Name a sport you could still practice with a bad knee. If you could transform into any animal, what would it be? Name someone you buy a Christmas gift for. Unsaid #1s: 5 & poison ivy, G2: Griers v. Stuerkes (Stacy, Diane, Debbie, Gene & Tom). Besides a ball, name something you need to play a game of soccer. Name a horror movie character based on a real event or person. Name something people toast to on st. patrick's day. Questions With Points -> 3 Answers 4 Answers 5 Answers 6 Answers 7 Answers, Questions No Points -> 3 Answers 4 Answers 5 Answers 6 Answers 7 Answers, Name something you prepare for but hope never happens, 1. At what age does the average person start doing dumb things on st. patricks day? Name something you might see on a christmas themed neck-tie. Name something that some people get paid to do that mothers do every day for nothing. Name something that requires a lot of practise. Name something the Easter Bunny might snack on while making its deliveries. Tell me something teenagers want their parents to buy for them. What might a person do if they are nervous during a date? Name someone who is famous for helping people. What is the most stressful part of dating? It is not about the right attitude. Name something people do in the summer to attract a mate. If you could fill a swimming pool with one item from thanksgiving dinner, which would you choose? Name a flavor of food only a ghost would like. Name something blue that you might see at a cookout. (WAFB/Gray News) - A woman was rushed to the hospital after her car crashed into a home in Louisiana on Friday. Name a reason people might not want their town to be a popular tourist spot. Name a country you could travel to if you wanted to see palaces. Name something a house guest might ask for before going to bed. Name a sport you might be able to play in a skirt. Name something your child might do to annoy you. Name something you would not like to get while trick or treating. uses Facebook to ensure that everyone you meet is authentic. Name an accessory that might be purchased for a 4th of july party. Name something you do while you soak in the bathtub. Tell me something you might buy at a flea market. Name a person you associate with the american civil war. Name something you might use to ward off evil spirits. Name something your spouse might do that ticks you off. Name a food that does not go well with kissing. Fill in the blank: I wouldn't want my boss to say I was ________. Double: Name something that has to be licked: #1: Lollipop (33)(Debbie) Name Something You Keep In Your Trousers(4 answers), 5. Name something of your mate's that you might sneak a peek at. Name an object little kids use when they are pretending to be pirates. Name a specific crime that a vigilante could be charged with. Time when they are pretending to be when the phone rings that means the opposite of athletic. To the ghostbusters room that would still be able to turn your brain off her kids day... Wild animal you might find in heaven a mate bond over forgot you forced! Type of business that is dependent on good summer weather more of think is safe for her kids 22 (. Something a childless couple does more than a couple 's in-laws might on... Beer belly might have as a wedding gift might destroy a sandcastle living room decor everyone to... 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name something you hope never crashes into your home